Monday, June 30, 2014

Living, aging, dying.

Everywhere I look around there is this thirst, fear. This ridiculous desire of immortality. Answers on how to age slower, look younger, stay the same, cheat death, avoid death, defy death. Pretty much there is this constant non stop campaign against change. It’s being advertised as being healthy, staying healthy. Just a mask which holds a darker truth of fear of being obsolete.

We refuse change, we fight change in our daily basis. No matter how fucked up our present is, We fight against something different tomorrow if we consider is remotely “worse” of what we have now; even when there’s so many other things that are worth fighting against.

We constantly seek for “improvement”, make things better, etc. But are we actually doing that?
How can we improve ourselves based on the rejection of something that is so common and part of our day to day life. Change.

If we isolate aging. How can we define aging itself? Damaging? Deterioration of the body?
Aging, as I perceive it, is nothing more than time itself passing by. Time = aging. Not saying is the same, but one is a consequence of the existence of the other one. It is said that in space we age slower. Time perception in space is different than here on earth. Can’t explain much about because i’m honestly no expert. I’m just trying to explain something to myself based on experience and the perception of life through my own. Per say.

I ask myself, why are we so afraid of dying? It’s obviously a natural process. We are born, we live, we die. Everything seems to go through this simple process. Some lasts longer than others. A bee lives for what? 1-2 weeks and dies from natural causes. A human lives 70-80 years in average nowadays. 40 years ago, it used to be 30-40… and from where I see it. in 10 years it’ll be 90-100 if not more.

I go online, ignoring all of the trash that invades the net these days, there’s a lot of information being discussed and put out there on how living “healthier, younger, longer” lives. How to keep wrinkles from coming out. How to keep yourself beautiful on the outside. Lately, maybe because is a subject i’m picking interest on, I see a lot of information on how to keep not only your exterior healthier, but also your interior. Not talking about organs, but the spirit.

People are “taking” conscious, they are starting to be aware on the existence and the importance of the soul, the spirit, energy, frequencies, vibrations. And that the correct understanding and managing of it can make you have a better, healthier, happier life. But to do what with that?

People are trying to “better” themselves. Why? Trying to avoid the inevitable? extend it? Why?

I see and ask myself what is the point of being here? What is my reason? I’m I supposed, as an individual to aspire to make a change. Or i’m just supposed to go along with the living model established nowadays? What i’m i supposed to do once i’m all healthy?

Much say that we should aspire to happiness. We must live in order that when time arrives we go feeling fulfilled. Well, I think that. Feeling good about ourselves and the way we lived.  Life as I see it, is a moment. An instant, not even a second. Our whole life is limited by moment after moment. We are constantly dying and being reborn in that same moment. There will come a point where our point of rebirth will be different. We transcend to a different plane because our time arrived. Meaning, we died.

I look around and I see people trying to live a life they don’t even try to understand. In order so when death comes, understanding death even less than life itself, we have no regrets. What is living? Breathing, working, money, buying, spending, loving, hating, having, tossing?
We are so absorbed by living longer and looking better, that we forgot what is actually improving the way of living. We forgot, failed on understanding what is the point of living. Try so hard to live longer when is fact that longevity is not linked with the quality of your life. Neither looking “good” or getting money.

I’m not saying dying is the answer. But death is. Embracing it. Not fearing for it. Not seeing it as “losing” the battle. Is Just a phase of life that will come sooner or later. It may seem here i’m pro suicide, ending your life early. I respect the decision of those who do, doesn’t mean I encourage it. I simply believe in respecting life choices no matter what.

This is not about killing yourself, neither finding the meaning of life. But finding yourself in life. Understanding life. You are here already, might as well try to do the best you can for you and those around you. Enjoy the ride and if possible show a few how to do so. Life should be about giving, not getting.

If you wish to improve your life, make sure is that what you aim to improve, not the appearance of it. Work on knowing yourself and you’ll know life.

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