Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday June 29th 8:54 am. The sunrise of my life.

I just came back from an interesting night. A random camping night at the beach. Tho after some events the night seemed to be turning into NOT what I expected BUT it became more pleasant and peaceful than what I could imagine.

First it was the company, tho it was people I know, is not the kind of people I got use to do things with this past few years. So didn’t know what to expect. Adding to that was my “fear” of thinking of her again, miss her right there in the middle of nowhere, wishing she was there. Wanting her by my side. Yet knowing that no matter what she wouldn’t be there because she is no longer part of my life. Tho she is my soulmate, the one. Lola, I thought of you all night long, but it didn’t hurt, I missed you without pain that night. I love you...

Then out of nowhere people arrived to the beach, it was around 3:00 am I think, I don’t know. I forgot I had a phone on my backpack or that there was life after that beautiful moment under a mantle of stars on that beautiful dark sky. The point is that this little pack of people showed up, drinking, partying, making noise, doing their thing.  It was, of course, a reason to be pissed, bothered and not feel comfortable enough to enjoy the night. After all is not what I had planned; I expected and wanted a silent conversation with the sea, nothing else. But things never happen the way I expect… Still something inside always kept me cool. And despite the noise it kept me focused on two things, the sea and the sky. I decide to go for a walk; “people, life around will always creates uncomfortable situations around you” i thought.  It can be seen as some kind of  test.  Actually feels that way because your reaction to those situations, your decisions will modify the results. As in everything in life. Most I think.

So… I go for a walk, not really expecting for anything to happen but kinda aware that is a possibility, something always happens. After all it wasn’t going to be my first neither my last experience under this type of circumstances. I’m trying to let go of the fact that  they are disturbing my peace; I try to concentrate hard enough that my peace is inside and has nothing to do with my outside. I walked around and went back to the side where I was. I stand on top of this small rock in the middle of the water. I would like to describe my feeling while I was on top of that rock.  It was like a fight, a fight inside between who would get my attention. Noise around me, myself, the sky or the sea.  I get a bit lost again on the sea and the sky.  All of the sudden few of those people come close to me with an aggressive-invasive tone.  Fear was what I detected the most; fear out of ignorance is dangerous, I know this very well.  Politely I tell this guy who talked to me as if he had some kind of power over me to go back to do his thing and I keep doing mine. “Go back to your drinking and partying and leave me alone; have a good night” Those were my words.  He kinda wanted to threaten me I guess, since they were talking about taking the guns and knives out. I got scare honestly, my friends were asleep and I was unarmed; but I didn’t panicked, didn’t pay much attention to it. It was automatic, they talked and I couldn’t care less.   They leave, shout a lot of stuff, speak high enough for me to hear; insults and some other stuff.  I don’t lose it, after all is just ignorance at it’s best.  Amazing since it takes half of that for me to explode, lose it and go nuts.

They go back to their business, I try to submerge myself in mine even more.  More people appear with more noise to give.  Mosquitoes are killing me, yet the night couldn’t be more beautiful and perfect.  I go inside the camping house.  I’m worried, tired but worried; can’t sleep. What if someone steals my bag? I left it outside, my wallet is there, my mom’s phone is there… I’ll be in deep shit. But I don’t try to get it inside.  I just try to relax, tell myself everything will be alright.  I sleep.  Despite the noise, my frustration and fear, I lose myself into morpheus arms. I must say I slept like a baby. I woke up a lot, just like one, but it wasn’t stressing, I would simply close my eyes and go back to sleep.  Night passes by.  I wished I would’ve stayed up all night. Sky was beautiful. Black and deep, stars everywhere; somewhat unreal, surreal.  Peaceful, warm, alone.  Dear solitude I’m falling for you.

I woke up.  The moment couldn’t be more perfect.  Still noise. But no rush, no stress, frustration, fear or madness. Just nothing.  Is just me, an intoxicating feeling of gratitude, this wonderful beach ahead and from side to side and the hope of a perfect sunrise.  I stretch, walk, breath in an out.  I run a bit on the shore; dogs, I stop and go back.  Can’t hear the noise anymore, just the waves as if they talked, sing.  A dog appears and sits down, not in my way but close; Looking at my direction but not exactly to me.  I stop, for some reason I sit on the sand and look at the same direction. Surprise!! Sunrise.  

One of them said, we are at the west point, therefore we cannot appreciate a sunrise at it’s best. Wrong! It was just perfect for me.  I catch it just rising over the buildings on the pier. This incandescent sphere that looks so cold from this perspective. As it goes up my eyes create this protective lid from it’s brightness. Never noticed before, but I did today.
This perfect fire sphere looked like a medieval round gold shield reflecting the light of god from everywhere you looked at it.  Superb. Magnificent.

I’m hypnotized by its dance as it comes up, by it’s bright as it gets shinier. By it’s peaceful constant movement so quick yet subtle.  Lovely like a romantic poem.  Almost fake, but so real. A miracle that happens every morning and no a lot seem to notice.  Amazing even tho is so common. The noise disappeared completely.  I just remember it’s beauty as it reflects it’s bright on the calm waters turning it into orange and deep blue-gray.  As everything so awesome and beautiful it didn’t last long.  I thank for it and ask for this “Please give me courage to accept the things I can’t change and change those I can”

Everything after that was just small talk. Should’ve stayed quiet. Next time.

Living, aging, dying.

Everywhere I look around there is this thirst, fear. This ridiculous desire of immortality. Answers on how to age slower, look younger, stay the same, cheat death, avoid death, defy death. Pretty much there is this constant non stop campaign against change. It’s being advertised as being healthy, staying healthy. Just a mask which holds a darker truth of fear of being obsolete.

We refuse change, we fight change in our daily basis. No matter how fucked up our present is, We fight against something different tomorrow if we consider is remotely “worse” of what we have now; even when there’s so many other things that are worth fighting against.

We constantly seek for “improvement”, make things better, etc. But are we actually doing that?
How can we improve ourselves based on the rejection of something that is so common and part of our day to day life. Change.

If we isolate aging. How can we define aging itself? Damaging? Deterioration of the body?
Aging, as I perceive it, is nothing more than time itself passing by. Time = aging. Not saying is the same, but one is a consequence of the existence of the other one. It is said that in space we age slower. Time perception in space is different than here on earth. Can’t explain much about because i’m honestly no expert. I’m just trying to explain something to myself based on experience and the perception of life through my own. Per say.

I ask myself, why are we so afraid of dying? It’s obviously a natural process. We are born, we live, we die. Everything seems to go through this simple process. Some lasts longer than others. A bee lives for what? 1-2 weeks and dies from natural causes. A human lives 70-80 years in average nowadays. 40 years ago, it used to be 30-40… and from where I see it. in 10 years it’ll be 90-100 if not more.

I go online, ignoring all of the trash that invades the net these days, there’s a lot of information being discussed and put out there on how living “healthier, younger, longer” lives. How to keep wrinkles from coming out. How to keep yourself beautiful on the outside. Lately, maybe because is a subject i’m picking interest on, I see a lot of information on how to keep not only your exterior healthier, but also your interior. Not talking about organs, but the spirit.

People are “taking” conscious, they are starting to be aware on the existence and the importance of the soul, the spirit, energy, frequencies, vibrations. And that the correct understanding and managing of it can make you have a better, healthier, happier life. But to do what with that?

People are trying to “better” themselves. Why? Trying to avoid the inevitable? extend it? Why?

I see and ask myself what is the point of being here? What is my reason? I’m I supposed, as an individual to aspire to make a change. Or i’m just supposed to go along with the living model established nowadays? What i’m i supposed to do once i’m all healthy?

Much say that we should aspire to happiness. We must live in order that when time arrives we go feeling fulfilled. Well, I think that. Feeling good about ourselves and the way we lived.  Life as I see it, is a moment. An instant, not even a second. Our whole life is limited by moment after moment. We are constantly dying and being reborn in that same moment. There will come a point where our point of rebirth will be different. We transcend to a different plane because our time arrived. Meaning, we died.

I look around and I see people trying to live a life they don’t even try to understand. In order so when death comes, understanding death even less than life itself, we have no regrets. What is living? Breathing, working, money, buying, spending, loving, hating, having, tossing?
We are so absorbed by living longer and looking better, that we forgot what is actually improving the way of living. We forgot, failed on understanding what is the point of living. Try so hard to live longer when is fact that longevity is not linked with the quality of your life. Neither looking “good” or getting money.

I’m not saying dying is the answer. But death is. Embracing it. Not fearing for it. Not seeing it as “losing” the battle. Is Just a phase of life that will come sooner or later. It may seem here i’m pro suicide, ending your life early. I respect the decision of those who do, doesn’t mean I encourage it. I simply believe in respecting life choices no matter what.

This is not about killing yourself, neither finding the meaning of life. But finding yourself in life. Understanding life. You are here already, might as well try to do the best you can for you and those around you. Enjoy the ride and if possible show a few how to do so. Life should be about giving, not getting.

If you wish to improve your life, make sure is that what you aim to improve, not the appearance of it. Work on knowing yourself and you’ll know life.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Paraplexic? Not really…
Disabled? Maybe...

Have you feel you've lost control of your body? your mind?
You think you are thinking. But what are your thoughts?
What is going on inside, so tempestuous for the outside to comprehend?
I wanna tell my body to move, but I don’t feel like moving.

Why am I like this?
Why can’t I just DO something.
But to sit, surrender, cry, miss, fear.
Look for answers, reasons of things that already past and that no matter how much I regret, I cannot go back to change.

They happened. I did what I did. Why can't it be just  place in the past where it belongs?
Why the need of this being by my side that keeps my mind occupied. Not thinking about the past.
Not thinking at all until I start thinking again in other matters of “life”. And here we go again.
Always something to be worried about.  
Always something broken.
Always something to “think” about.
Always something to fix.
Always something that needs to be avoid. Put off. Ignored…

But then I again I find myself struggling.
I struggle because I need the struggle.
I feel I don't know peace. That I have always been in war. In war with myself. With the world around and inside.
But I need it. I have this hunger that doesn't go away.
I feel like i'm going to explode, and i'm sure I will if I don't do something to find peace.
All I need is to DO. What?, it’s coming but I can't see it. Too busy worrying.